News, Tips & Tricks from ixtreme.

Einführung in maschinelles Lernen und KI
Introduction to machine learning and AI

In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are playing an increasingly central role. But what exactly is behind these terms? Artificial intelligence is a broad field of computer science that aims to create machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These include problem solving, decision making and…

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SEO - Rankingverlust und wie die Zukunft der SEO auch im Hinblick von KI aussieht
SEO – Ranking loss and what happens next

Transparency and openness as key factors The loss of SEO rankings is currently a topic that is causing many a sleepless night. In recent years, Google has continuously emphasized transparency and openness as key evaluation criteria for websites. For website owners, this means publishing clear information about the identity of the content creators and the…

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Warum Werbung in Krisenzeiten entscheidend für den Unternehmenserfolg ist
Advertising in times of crisis can be crucial

In a time of economic uncertainty and challenges, advertising in times of crisis is a strategic necessity for many companies to make the difficult decision of where to cut spending. One obvious option often seems to be to reduce advertising budgets. However, this decision could have serious long-term consequences. It is a fallacy to believe…

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Erfolgreiche YouTube SEO Strategien für Unternehmen - Maximieren Sie Ihre Reichweite - ixtreme
Successful YouTube SEO strategies for companies

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world after Google and offers companies an excellent platform to increase their reach and reach their target group through YouTube SEO. An effective YouTube SEO strategy is crucial to become visible in this crowded market. Here are concrete measures and tools that you can implement immediately…

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Book recommendation:

Time management is much more than just planning and organizing your daily routine. It is the art of setting priorities in such a way that we are successful and satisfied both professionally and privately.

A valuable book in this day and age, because we are all running after our time day after day.